Youths with A Disability Yr 11 & Yr 12 School-Based Traineeship Program – Certificate II in Business

Smart Employment Solutions is excited to announce its new Yr 11 & Yr 12 School-Based Traineeship Program assisting youth with a disability to achieve a Certificate III in Business Administration– to be released in January 2018. This Program will see the recruitment and training of disabled people in year 11 and year 12 over a twelve-month traineeship performing 50 days of active work experience for host employers.

For many people living with a disability, finding and securing a long-term job can be an emotional and tough period in their lives. In a recent research report conducted by SESAT, it was found that the transition period from high-school to employment for youths is one of life’s most momentous and distressing times but is even more traumatic for disabled youth.

Having a disability can affect a potential employer and co-workers attitude to a person with a disability during recruitment and in the workplace. The research report also found a collective 31.2% of the disability workforce are subjected to negative attitudes from fellow employees and a further 16.5% receive less pay than an equal employee.

SESAT’s disability program will provide youth with a disability a recognised certificate that supplements their school Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, but it will also help build and strengthen the following characteristics in the workplace:

  • Build responsibility
  • Develop a mature and conscientiousness work ethic
  • Enhance time management skills
  • Open-up career opportunities and purpose
  • Develop management of wage and money skills

Benefits of hiring people with a disability:

Making sure businesses welcome young people with disability in an inclusive way is not just the right thing to do, but it makes good business sense too. In a research report conducted by Deakin University, it was found that people with a disability can bring a range of talents, skills and qualifications to businesses. Here’s a few:

  • People with disability generally take fewer days off, take less sick leave and stay in jobs longer than other workers.
  • Employment costs for people with disability can be as low as 13 per cent of the employment costs for other employees.
  • Once in the right job, people with disability perform as well as other employees.
  • People with disability build strong connections with customers.
  • People with disability boost staff morale and enhance a sense of teamwork.
  • Hiring people with disability enhances an organisation’s image in the general community.

SESAT understands the challenges youths with a disability face and recognises the new program will work towards supporting them in their transition from education to employment as well as educating the business community to overcome their misconceptions that constrain the disabled cohort from employment.

For further information on the Youths with a Disability Program, please contact the SESAT team at or phone 13 30 24.


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