All the Benefits, None of the Stress!

Have you thought about hiring an apprentice or trainee and not gone ahead with it because it seems like too much hassle?

Smart Employment Solutions takes all the stress out of the nitty gritty work you don’t want to do, like hiring and payroll. There is no downside to employing an apprentice with Smart Employment Solutions. Being able to teach your skills and knowledge of a trade you are already so good at, to another passionate person looking to you for guidance.

How to get involved:

To employ an apprentice there are some simple requirements you need to meet. You need to be committed to the apprenticeship as much as the apprentice is committed to their future! From induction to fully qualified, the individual you take on is your responsibility to train, educate and supervise. Smart Employment Solutions does take on a large amount of responsibility of the apprentice/trainee to help educate, support and take care of the paperwork side of the process but ultimately it is a great responsibility and honour for you to take on an apprentice  and teach them everything you know!

With the amount of eager potential apprentices in South East Queensland, there is a shortage of host employers willing to offer their skill set to benefit the greater community by training an apprentice.

Currently, there is a Government program running to help apprentices with the ‘education’ side of the apprenticeship, which could reduce the costs of employing an apprentice/trainee in your field. Hiring an apprentice is substantially more cost efficient than hiring fully qualified personnel and has the added benefit of doing things EXACTLY HOW YOU LIKE IT.

Smart Employment Solutions provides support to employers, apprentices, as well as trainees from beginning to end. If you would like to find out more or need some assistance to work out what is right for you, please get in touch with the team at Smart Employment Solutions today!


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